Psychosocal Hazards in Construction businesses

This Summary of Findings is a detailed statistical analysis of data collected during our surveying of construction businesses as part of our ACC-funded innovation project.

This work, conducted through 2022-2023 involved

  • A survey of construction industry workers to understand the psychosocial hazards present in workplaces and which are impacting the health and safety of all in the industry.

SaferMe's Research Lead

Steve Cantwell, has a PhD in Applied Cognitive Psychology from the University of Waikato. He has previously worked in the field of risk perception, and brings strong experience in the fields of psychometrics and statistical analysis.

We're sharing the attached research free to everyone, so the key lessons and takeaways from this work can have immediate benefit to the construction industry.

Here you can download the summary of findings which provides a detailed analysis of the psychosocial hazard data we collected from businesses in 2022-23.

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